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收藏 | 美国中学面试核心问题集

浏览 1313 次 2020-03-02









01.自我介绍 (Personal Life)


1.   你最近好吗?

How are you doing?

2.   你的名字,年龄,家乡?

Whatis your name?How old are you?Where are you from ?

3.   你如何描述自己的家乡? 

How would you describe your hometown?

4.   介绍你的家庭背景

Tell me about your family background?

5.   你父母是做什么的?

What do your parents do?

6.   你目前就读的学校和年级?

What school are you currently going to?Tell me your schoolname and what grade are you in?

7.   你周围的人是怎么评价你的?

How do your teachers and friends describe you?

8.   哪一个人对你的生活影响最大?

What person has most influenced you in your life?


02.学术背景(Academic Background)


1.   你如何评价自己的学术能力?

How do you appraise your academic ability?

2.   告诉我一些你所学的课程,你最喜欢的科目,为什么?

Tell me something about your courses, what is your favorite subject? Why?

3.   哪一门课程对于你来说是最困难或最具挑战性? 为克服这些困难和解决这些问题你做了些什么?通过克服这些困难你学到了什么? 

Which courses have been the most difficult or most challenging for you? What have you done to overcome these difficulties? What have you learned through this experience?

4.   你喜欢你的初、高中学校吗?你是怎么描述你的学校的?哪些方面是你喜欢的?哪些方面是你不喜欢的?

Do you like your high school? How would you describe your school?

5.   你最喜欢哪一位老师,为什么? 

Who is your favorite teacher? Why?

6.   你是什么时候开始学习英语的?你是如何学习英语的?

When did you begin studying English? How do you learn English?

7.   描述一下你目前的学校经历

Please describe your current school experience.

8.   描述你在学校典型的一天生活

Please describe a typical day at school.


03.课外活动(Extracurricular activities)


1.Do you have any hobbies or special interests? What’s your hobby?

2.Describe your special talents, abilities, or interests.

3.Do you join any extra-curriculum activities?

4.What has been your greatest contribution to an extracurricular activity?

5.What is your favorite book, author, movie or TV? Why?

6.What magazines or newspapers do you read regularly?

7.Do you read any English books?

8.Do you like sports?

9.How did you spend your last summer holiday?

10.Have you ever been abroad before?

11.Have ever you traveled alone

12.What will you do when feeling depressed?

13.What makes you happy?

14.What bothers you?

15.Do you like traveling ?


04.美国高中( US high school)


1.Explain why you desire to study in America.

2.How do you like the USA?

3.How did you and your parents choose school?

4.Why do you want to attend our School?

5.How did you prepare for studying in the USA?

6. Did you take the TOEFL or SSAT ?what is your score?

7.How would you describe American high school?

8. How would you adjust to a different educational system?

9. Have you ever left your parents?

10.What if you are homesick in the U.S.?

11.Have you ever lived on campus before? How do you think of living on campus?

12.How do you think of living with an American host family?

13.Do you do any housework at home?

14.What will you miss most if you come to America to study?

15.Describe both your short-term and long-term academic goals.

16.What do you think your major will be in college?

17. What is your future career goal?

18.How many schools did you apply? What other schools are you considering?

19.  Why should we accept you? What can you bring to our school?




1.What is your religion background?Why do you choose a Christian school?How do you think about religion activities?

2.Describe how you came to know Jesus Christ as your Savior

3.Discuss how this decision impacts your life today.


06.其他问题(other questions)


1.Let’s talk about a topic you concerned about recently.

2.If you decide to give your friend a birthday gift, will you make it yourself or buy one from the shop?

3.What is the most special gift you have ever got?

4.How often do you watch TV or play computer games?

5.How long does it take to finish your homework everyday?

6.Please tell me about a memorable past school experience (positive or negative).

7.Please describe one experience that makes you feel proud of.

8.Tell us about a time that you were challenged and did not meet your goal. How did you respond to it, and what did you learn from it?

9.What is your superpower?

10.What is your personal motto?

11.Have you ever fight against your parents?

12.Give me an example of the most interesting field trip that you have been on with your school? Please describe one special field trip.

13.What were some of the challenges of being in a village in the mountains for a month?

14.Describe a problem that you have solved.

15.What are you looking forward to about going to the U.S., other than your academics?

16.Whenyou think of American culture, what do you think of?

17.What are you looking forward to studying in the U.S.?

18.Do you have relatives in the USA? Who?  Where?

19.Is there anything else that you would like to add? 



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